My Tiffany Blue Laundry Room

The Laundry Room! By far my favorite project to date! I am in love with the color… it can be a little much in large quantities but for this small room it seems cheery and who doesn’t want to be cheery & happy when they have to do something like laundry? 😛

I know everyone has their own taste but our laundry room was a really gross  orange-sickle color. I’m personally not a fan of yellow or orange paint, but to each their own! 🙂

Here is a picture of it before we moved in
Here is a picture of it before we moved in

And it wasn’t even that it was an ugly color it was that the previous owners were not good at all at painting. In every single room that they painted it is pretty bad. Places they didn’t put enough paint or got lazy if it was in a tight spot.

I guess it was too hard for them to paint this?
I guess it was too hard for them to paint this?

All the trim in our house is pretty rough too. Most every room has several of these spots.

Lots of bumps and nicks
Lots of bumps and nicks
Ugly trim
Ugly trim

I searched and searched the internet (mostly Pinterest) and I saw several blue laundry rooms that I feel in love with. I even found one I really liked that someone had said was similar to a Tiffany Blue, which I think is a beautiful shade of blue! The color is Sweet Rhapsody by Behr (Link to paint here).

I painted the shelves in the laundry room Ultra White (Valspar) Semi-Gloss because they were a dingy almond color (like all of the trim and shelves in our house) that looks really dirty to me. I also painted the trim the same.  (I always primer paint everything before I put the actual paint on it. I’m not sure if it’s always necessary but I don’t want to have to redo a paint job so I’d rather not have any stains or anything come through and I like to play it safe rather than be sorry!Link to primer here)

Here is after I painted the Shelves Ultra White & touched up on the ceiling where they had painted some orange up there.
Here is after I painted the Shelves Ultra White & touched up on the ceiling where they had painted some orange up there.

I was very happy with the results!

Before & After!
Before & After!
I love my Blue Laundry Room!

I also purchased Vinyl Letters from Amazon (link here). It took a while to apply because of the small letter but I like that if I ever get tired of it I can remove it and won’t have to repaint it!! 🙂

Final product! :)
Final product! 🙂

Sorry for the long post! I tried to summarize as best as I could but there was a lot I wanted to squeeze in there!

Hope you have a fantastic day! 😀



Author: Erin R. Photography

Happy wife who lives near Houston Texas. I love to take pictures!! Hope you enjoy my thoughts, photos, & adventures! Thanks for stopping by! :)

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